Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The promos I made aren't exactly my aesthetic but I adhered to company and brand standards.  Hopefully soon, I'll have something more "me" to show.  Ah, life of the artist...

Yuva Bharati Promo

This is yet another one of the many promos I made for DiyaTV

Kundalini Yoga Promo

This is a promo I made for a Yoga Show that DiyaTV was airing.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hinduism Monastary Today

This is a promo I made for DiyaTV for their show, Hinduism Monastery Today

avs total request

Another promo I made for DiyaTV for their music request show, AVS Total Request

avs promo

Yet another AVS promo for DiyaTV

AVS On Location Promo

This is another promo I made for DiyaTV for a show, AVS On Location.

AVS Classics Promo

This is a promo I made for DiyaTV advertising a show they air, AVS Classics.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


My internet and computer are not being the most cooperative today so when I am able to make a post with the videos I've shot/edited as an intern at my time at Diya TV (promos, youtube shorts of events we covered), I will post them.  For now, here's a link to my vimeo album.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

a work in progress

I haven't painted in a while, especially with oil but I was inspired by the sheer number of baby pictures my parents keep at their house.  Self portrait retrospective in the works.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blurry notebook sketches of possible short film idea in the works...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

art therapy

art therapy work is always weird.
the theory is to just let your hand do whatever it wants to do and with whatever medium you feel like.
this is my least awkwardly violent piece

pics of me on the job!

This was me doing some floor directing while I was at Green Screen Adventures!
check it out---
 This is me and actor/writer Jess Carleton as a turtle.

I love television, especially {educational} children's television.
Gonna miss working at Green Screen!!


How could I forget my Amazonian punk princess?


My moving from Chicago back to the SF Bay Area has caused me to go through all my old art and sketches so I snapped a few quick pics of some funky little things I've done. I did fashion illustration for a long time hence all the figures!

Wish me luck on the move!